Kamis, 29 November 2007


TODAYS, you can find more exciting and mad also crazy thing in ur life. So many way to enjoy ur life without pain, but they can give u much, much more pleasure! SPORT! YEAH....SPORT! That is the right answer for ur stress, actually X-TREM SPORT! In that field u can challange ur brave, ur opportunity to defence, ur strengthen, ur brain and more. U can find this at a lozzer man. Respect each other one of the most important! the most danger in ur life is to control ur self! Let join with us babe..........! Are u freaky enough?

2 komentar:

Retno Wulan Wijayanti mengatakan...

u dont know me....jd jgn ngejudge seenaknya yo...terserah kan mo posting apa aja...blog km g lengkap blass..shoutbox bwt coment aja g ada...dilengkapi dulu yeyyy....:p

sufa mengatakan...

halo bambang, blognya kok sepi bgt. Ayo dilengkapi aksesorisnya spt shoutbox, calender, jam, statistik. dan rajin2 posting ya. Postingnya yang berhubungan dengan perhotelan ato IT. OKEH...